You will be required to wear your flight gear to this event, since it will be inspected by your
instructor. Your flight gear should include the following items:
a. Flight suit
b. Flight boots
c. Flight gloves
d. Helmet
e. Dog tags (two worn around the neck)
f. Kneeboard and checklists
g. NATOPS Pocket Checklist
Additionally, an oxygen mask and survival gear will be required. Your instructor will show you
where these are issued. You will be required to obtain these prior to each flight (IAW local
3. Procedures. Discuss with the instructor all of the preflight/postflight items listed under
Contact in the MPTS Curriculum.
Common Errors
Failure to know Preflight/Postflight procedures.
Prior to each flight, you will be scheduled for a brief (discussion) for that flight with your
instructor. The Instructor Pilot (Pilot in Command) is responsible to perform and/or delegate
preflight planning for the flight (i.e., weight and balance, fuel planning, obtaining weather brief,
and filing flight plan as necessary). You will assist as directed, reporting results and noting any
discrepancies. In later stages of training, you will be tasked with increasing responsibilities with
preflight planning. During the brief, the instructor will expect you to know the procedures for
the maneuver to be flown, along with any "discuss" items listed in the Multi-Service Pilot
Training System Curriculum. He will also brief the conduct of the flight in accordance with the
NATOPS briefing guide found on the back of the NATOPS Pocket Checklist. Appendix B
provides more details for each area of that brief. You are encouraged to ask questions. Do not
go flying with an unanswered question on your mind.
Emergency Procedures/Discussed Items
The MPTS Curriculum lists all maneuvers and items to be discussed for each flight. You should
be prepared to answer in depth any item listed under discussion. Ensure that you refer to any and
all available resources when you are studying a particular item. For example, the FTI, T-34C
NATOPS Manual, Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and many ground school texts all
contain information germane to your studies. Your instructor may quiz you on each
discussion/demonstration and introduction item for that flight. Additionally, he/she may ask you
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