BRIGHT before starting. After start, continue to dim the INST POST lights and LEDs as your
eyes become adjusted to the darkness. When the pilot is ready for the start, he will signal the
lineman by rotating the flashlight at the lineman or if ambient light permits, use appropriate hand
signals for clearance to start. The lineman will repeat the signal with his wand or appropriate
hand signal and will man the fire extinguisher for the start.
Upon completion of the start, signal the lineman to remove the chocks by moving the flashlight
alternately from shoulder to shoulder and hold the brakes while the chocks are removed. The
lineman will taxi the aircraft out of the chocks for a normal brake check using his wands.
In the line area, where adequate light is available, hand signals may be
used as in daylight operations. However, when lighting is not
adequate, hand signals must be passed as light signals (see NATOPS
for ground handling signals).
1404. TAXI
The Pre-taxi Checklist shall be completed and clearance from Ground Control received prior to
taxi in accordance with NATOPS and local SOP. All taxiing will be conducted in accordance
with current course rules. Caution must be exercised to prevent excessive taxi speeds caused by
lack of outside references and depth perception. Landing lights should be used during all night
taxi evolutions in areas not adequately illuminated. Consideration will be given to courteous use
of lights to avoid the disorientation of other aircraft, ground support, and tower personnel. Taxi
is only permitted on lighted, authorized taxiways (see SOP). If there is any doubt as to your
position on the field or any confusion caused by light signals, STOP! Do not continue until
reoriented. Turn landing lights off while conducting Pre-taxi and Runup Checklists or if a delay
is encountered at the hold short line awaiting takeoff.
BLUE LIGHTS: Blue lights mark all taxiways. There should be blue lights on both sides
of the taxiway.
GREEN LIGHTS: Green lights mark the threshold of the duty runway.
RED LIGHTS: Red lights mark all obstructions on the airfield.
ROTATING BEACON: There is a rotating white and green beacon located at fields that
are open for night operations. A military airfield's white light will be split by a three degree
void. This will give the impression that there are two separate, closely timed flashes of light. A
civilian airport has a solid white light and can be easily distinguished from a military field.
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