will be required to maintain airspeed. To avoid overshooting the rollout headings, lead the
rollout heading by a number of degrees equal to one-third the angle of bank. (For a 15 angle of
bank turn, lead the rollout by 5, etc.) Strive for smooth reversals between turns.
15 AOB
30 AOB
45 AOB
Figure 6-6 Turn Pattern
Trim the aircraft as necessary throughout the pattern. Remember, as the reversal or rollout
occurs, the nose must be lowered back to the level attitude, and since it has been trimmed "up"
during the turn, the nose will require forward stick pressure to lower it. Remember to use the
P.A.T. principle.
Establish the aircraft straight and level on a cardinal heading, base altitude and
normal cruise.
Clear the area. Turn for 30 of heading change using a 15 angle of bank. Clear the
area (in the other direction) then reverse the turn, leading by the one-third rule for 30
of heading change using a 15 angle of bank.
Clear the area. Reverse the turn leading by the one-third rule and turn for 90 of
heading change using a 30 angle of bank. Maintain altitude and airspeed with power
and nose attitude; retrim. Clear the area (other direction) then reverse the turn using
the one-third rule for 90 of heading change using a 30 angle of bank. Remember to
adjust nose attitude as necessary to maintain airspeed and altitude while rolling
through wings level.
Clear the area. Reverse the turn leading by the one-third rule and turn for 180 of
heading change using a 45 angle of bank. Adjust power and nose attitude to
maintain altitude and airspeed; trim. Clear the area (other direction) then reverse the
turn leading by the one-third rule; hold slight forward stick pressure to prevent
ballooning as you roll through the wings level. Reestablish the attitude to maintain
altitude; turn for 180 of heading change using a 45 angle of bank.
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