Because the power turbine (Nf) operates at high speeds, it is necessary to reduce that rotational
speed to one that is usable by the propeller. This is done through the reduction gearbox, which is
bolted to the front flange of the exhaust duct and driven by a shaft extending from the power
turbine. The gearbox also provides a mounting and drive for the propeller and certain propeller-
related accessories. All prop-driven accessories are driven at the same speed by the propeller
shaft. The rear half of the gearbox contains a two-stage reduction gear system that reduces the
power turbine RPMs at a 15:1 ratio. The propeller shaft extends from the front half of the
Magnetic Chip Detector
A magnetic chip detector is located at the bottom of the reduction gearbox to provide the pilot
with a warning signal for metal particles in the oil and possible engine failure. The chip detector
is a dual-element probe with one probe magnetized and connected to a DC potential and a second
element comprised of an insulated wire to the fault circuit. The detector is exposed to the oil
flow, and functions as a normally open switch. If a large metal chip or mass of small metal
particles bridges the detector gap, a circuit is completed, illuminating the flashing MASTER
CAUTION light and a yellow CHIP light on the annunciator panel.
Torque Indicating System
One of the propeller-related accessories is the torque indicating system. The torquemeter,
located inside the first stage of the reduction gear housing, provides an indication of engine
power output to the propeller shaft. It is a hydromechanical device which meters a given
oil pressure is routed to three power plant accessories: the torque limiter, autoignition sense
switch, and torque transmitter. The torque transmitter, located on the reduction gearbox flange,
converts the torquemeter oil pressure to a 26 VAC electrical signal to operate the torque
indicators in the cockpits. There is a torque indicator on each instrument panel which is
graduated in 50 ft-lbs. increments. The maximum torque is 1315 ft-lbs. (550 SHP); however,
NATOPS restricts the maximum allowable torque to 1015 ft-lbs. (425 SHP), which is indicated
by a red line on the torque indicator.
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