The air exiting the evaporator enters the cockpits through air outlets on the front and sides of the
console. A louver assembly on the front of the console enables the pilot to adjust the direction
and volume of the air. Outlets on the side of the console are not adjustable. Temperature in each
cockpit can be maintained through adjustment of the console air outlets, controlling the fan speed
with the AIR rheostat, or turning the toggle switch to OFF.
Protective Devices
Protection for the air conditioning system is provided through two pressure-sensing devices. A
high-pressure (380 PSI) switch located in the engine compartment on the right side of the
firewall senses the pressure of the refrigerant as it leaves the condenser. Should the pressure
reach 380 PSI, a circuit breaker within the switch opens the electrical circuit and interrupts DC
power to the compressor clutch, thereby protecting all system components from overpressure
damage. The low pressure (3 PSI) switch is located in the engine compartment on the right side
of the firewall immediately to the left of the high-pressure switch. This switch is sensitive to the
refrigerant pressure entering the compressor. Should there be a loss of refrigerant (and its
lubricating oil) and the pressure reaches 3 PSI, a fuse is blown, interrupting electrical power to
the clutch and the clutch disengages. The compressor bearings and pistons are protected from
damage due to loss of lubrication. The circuit breaker cannot be reset and the fuse cannot be
replaced in flight.
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