Diluter-Demand Oxygen Regulator
A diluter-demand oxygen regulator is located in the right-hand console of each cockpit. As it
receives 70 PSI oxygen from the supply cylinder, it further reduces pressure and dilutes
composition of the oxygen according to need.
Miscellaneous Components
An oxygen supply hose is located on the right side of each cockpit. It directs oxygen from the
regulator to the pilot's oxygen mask. The oxygen mask then supplies oxygen flow to the pilot.
A microphone is incorporated in the mask to enable communication while wearing the mask. A
cord extending from the bottom of the mask connects into the phone jack cord located on the
right side wall of each cockpit.
Oxygen Control "T" Handle
Oxygen cylinder supply is controlled by a yellow and black striped push-pull "T" handle located
on the forward right side wall of the front cockpit only. The handle is placarded OXYGEN and
provides on/off control of low pressure from the cylinder to the cockpit regulators. Pushing the
handle in to the ON position opens the regulator, allowing oxygen to flow at 70 PSI to the
cockpit regulator. When pulled to the OFF position, oxygen is shut off at the cylinder outlet and
oxygen is not available to either cockpit regulator inlet.
Cockpit Regulator Control Panel
A cockpit regulator control panel is located on top of the diluter-demand regulator in each
cockpit to provide each pilot with individually regulated control of the oxygen system. The
panel features three control levers, a pressure gauge, and a flow indicator.
Figure 22-2 Oxygen Regulator Panel
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