shock strut. The gearbox, providing mechanical advantage to the DC motor, transmits motion to
the linkage mechanism moving the gear to the extended or retracted position.
Limit Switches
The landing gear limit switches are dual-function, micro type switches mounted on the landing
gear gearbox located under the floor in the front cockpit. The switches are referred to as up-limit
or down-limit switches, depending on their function. When the landing gear are up and the
inboard gear doors are closed the up-limit switch cuts power to the electric gear motor. When
the gear is down and the inboard gear doors are closed the down-limit switch cuts power to the
landing gear motor.
Landing Gear Shock Struts
The landing gear shock struts are the hydraulic/pneumatic type using hydraulic fluid and
nitrogen gas to cushion landing shocks. The main gear shock struts (Figure 19-2) should have 3
inches (approximately four fingers) of oleo showing, and the nose gear shock strut (Figure 19-2)
should show 3-5 inches of oleo. These items should be checked on preflight with full fuel cells.
Scissors extend forward and connect the inner barrel to the outer barrel on the main and nose gear
struts. The main landing gear shock strut scissors keep the main wheels aligned with the aircraft's
longitudinal axis (fore and aft). On the nose gear, the shock strut scissor connects to a collar that
allows the nose strut to pivot when taxiing.
Nose Landing Gear
Main Landing Gear
Figure 19-2 Landing Gear
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