receptacle, locking the nose gear in the up position. Initial movement of the gearbox when
extending the gear removes the latch and allows the nose gear to move downward.
Landing Gear Handle
The landing gear handle (Figure 19-3), located on the left subpanel in each cockpit, is made of
clear plastic formed in the shape of a wheel with a red warning light inside. The red warning
light illuminates the entire handle any time the landing gear position does not agree with the
position of the handle or an inboard main landing gear door is not securely latched. Moving the
handle UP or DOWN activates a switch, which controls the reversible DC electric motor that
retracts or lowers the landing gear. A one-second time delay is provided in the landing gear
circuit to protect the actuating system from damage in the event of a reversal caused by moving
the landing gear handle in the opposite direction while the gear is in transit.
Figure 19-3 Landing Gear Handle
The pilot shall not move the landing gear handle in the opposite
direction when the landing gear are in transit.
Safety Switches
A rotary type safety switch (Figure 19-2) is attached to each shock strut of the three landing gear.
The switch located on the right main strut prevents the gear from accidentally being raised while
the aircraft is on the ground. This switch, actuated by the weight of the aircraft compressing the
strut, renders the gear up control circuit and the AOA indexer inoperative. The safety switch
connected to the left main strut activates the audio gear warning system and illuminates the
WHEELS light and the red light in the gear handle if the landing gear handle is moved to the UP
position while on the ground. Additionally, the left safety switch disables the NACWS test when
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