11.13 State the location of the components of the VOR receiver.
11.14 Describe the function of the VOR control panel components.
11.15 Explain the operation of the VOR receiver.
11.16 Describe the components of the TACAN receiver.
11.17 Describe the function of the TACAN control panel components.
11.18 Explain the operation of the TACAN/DME.
11.19 State the purpose and describe the characteristics of the GPS unit.
11.20 Identify the location of the components of the GPS unit
11.21 Describe the function of the NAV/GPS source control button
11.22 Explain the purpose and location of the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI), IND-350.
11.23 State the purpose and describe the components of the transponder system.
11.24 Describe the function of the transponder control panel switches.
11.25 Explain the operation of the transponder.
11.26 Explain the purpose and describe the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT).
11.27 Explain the operation of the ELT.
11.28 Explain the purpose and symbology of the NACWS.
11.29 Identify the location of the components of the NACWS.
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