(post) and FLDT (floodlights). Each rheostat is rotated clockwise from OFF to BRT to brighten
the lights to full intensity at the full clockwise position. When moving the INST rheostat out of
the OFF detent the annunciator lights, master caution light, wheels light, and AOA indexer will
Console Lights
The left and right side console panels in both cockpits are backlighted by individual panel
interior lights and left and right side console floodlights located on each sidewall. The interior
lighting is controlled by a rheostat labeled LTS under the CONSOLE group label on the interior
lights control panel, and the floodlights are controlled by the rheostat labeled FLDT. Both
rheostats control the lighting from OFF to BRT by clockwise movement of the respective
rheostat. Full clockwise rotation to the BRT position gives full intensity.
Utility Lights
Each cockpit is provided with a special multipurpose utility light. This light is designed to
selectively provide either red or white illumination utilizing a narrow spotlight beam or a wider
floodlight beam. Attached by a curl cord, this moveable light has two snap-in permanent
mounting bases on the right sidewall and may be detached by simply pulling the light straight out
of the base. Selection of white spot, white flood, red flood, or red spot is possible. The color
may be changed on some models by unlocking a lock on top of the light while turning the front
section and on newer models by a slide type switch. The light has a dimming rheostat for
controlling beam intensity and an override push-button which provides instantaneous full lamp
brilliance regardless of rheostat setting.
Circuit Breaker Panel Lights
The circuit breaker panels in either cockpit may be individually backlighted as desired with a
two-position circuit breaker type switch on the circuit breaker panels. The switches are labeled
PANEL LTS and control the interior lighting on the respective circuit breaker panel. These
lights are constant brilliance lights; therefore, no dimming feature is provided.
The exterior lighting system consists of the landing, navigation, and anticollision lights. All
exterior lighting is DC-powered and controlled from the front cockpit ONLY (with the exception
of the landing gear external position indicators, which are activated by the landing gear system).
Landing Lights
The left and right landing lights, located on the main landing gear struts, are individually
operated by two circuit breaker type switches labeled LANDING LIGHTS, LEFT/RIGHT, ON
and OFF, located directly below the landing gear handle on the left subpanel of the front cockpit
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