FLY HEADING (DEGREES) - Informs the aircrew of the heading to be flown. The aircraft
may have to turn to, or continue on, a specific compass direction in order to comply with the
instruction. The aircraft is expected to turn in the shorter direction to the heading, unless
otherwise instructed by ATC.
GLIDESLOPE/GLIDEPATH - Provides vertical guidance for aircraft during approach and
landing. The glideslope/glidepath is based on the following:
Electronic components emitting signals which provide vertical guidance by reference to
airborne instruments during instrument approach such as ILS/MLS, or
Visual ground aids, such as VASI, which provide vertical guidance for VFR approach or
for the visual portion of an instrument approach and landing.
PAR (on/above/below) - Used by ATC to inform an aircraft making a PAR approach of its
vertical position (elevation) relative to the descent profile. The terms "slightly" and "well"
are used to describe the degree of deviation, e.g., "slightly above glidepath." Trend
information is also issued with respect to the elevation of the aircraft and may be modified
by the terms "rapidly" and "slowly," e.g., "well above glidepath, coming down rapidly."
GO AHEAD - Proceed with your message. Not to be used for any other purpose.
GO AROUND - Instructions for an aircraft to abandon the approach to landing. Additional
instructions may follow. Unless otherwise advised by ATC, a VFR aircraft or an aircraft
conducting a visual approach should overfly the runway while climbing to traffic pattern altitude
and enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. An aircraft on an IFR flight plan making an
instrument approach should execute the published missed approach procedure or proceed as
instructed by ATC.
HOW DO YOU HEAR ME? - A question relating to the quality of the transmission or to how
well the transmission is being received.
IDENT - A request for the aircrew to activate the aircraft transponder identification feature.
This action will help the controller to confirm an aircraft's identity or to identify an aircraft
IMMEDIATELY - Used by ATC when such action is required to avoid an imminent situation.
INOPERATIVE - Used to describe a piece of equipment which does not function properly.
INTERCEPT - To meet or cross.
LAST ASSIGNED ALTITUDE - The last assigned altitude/flight level assigned by ATC and
acknowledged by the aircrew.
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