When flying aircraft under operational control of CNATRA, pilots are prohibited from filing or
flying into areas covered by a CAWW in the same manner as if a WW had been issued.
Although National Weather Service WWs (and SIGMETs, to be discussed later) are provided at
non-Navy airfields, CAWWs may not be available. However, CAWW remarks are appended to
Naval Training Meteorology and Oceanography Facility (NAVTRAMETOC) hourly
observations when a CAWW is issued. Aircrew should request the servicing weather facility
provide pertinent NAVTRAMETOC observations available via the civilian weather
communication network.
Local Weather Warnings
For weather similar to a WW, local Navy airfields will issue a Thunderstorm Condition warning,
which may restrict flight and ground operations, such as aircraft refueling, depending on the level
of Thunderstorm Condition and local regulations. Although governed by local base instructions,
the following conditions have generally been standardized throughout USN bases:
Thunderstorm Condition 2 Thunderstorm conditions are possible within 6 hrs or within 25
miles of the airfield.
Thunderstorm Condition 1 Thunderstorm conditions are possible within 1 hr or within 10
miles of the airfield.
Severe Thunderstorm 1 or 2 Same as above including the possibility of:
Hail of 3/4 in or greater
Winds of 50 kts or greater
Tornadic activity
USAF Restrictions
Air Force aviators should be familiar with local command instructions for restrictions regarding
WWs and other types of severe weather.
Military Weather Advisories
Military Weather Advisories (MWA), issued by US Air Force meteorologists, are graphical
depictions of forecast weather used to warn aircrews about areas of thunderstorms, strong surface
winds, heavy precipitation, and freezing precipitation.
These advisories should be used for flight planning in the event that WWs are not available.
USAF bases generally use the MWA in place of other severe weather advisories. Thus, if you
require information about WWs or other In-Flight Weather Advisories, you may need to request
the forecaster provide these products.
The valid time of the MWA chart can be found with the heading information at the bottom left-
hand corner of the chart (Figure 3-2, next page). This particular MWA is valid from 1600Z on the
3rd to 0400Z on the 4th.
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