COR: Indicates a CORrected report, which is transmitted as soon as possible whenever an error
is detected in a METAR or SPECI report. In this case, the DTG will be the same time used in the
report being corrected.
AUTO: Indicates a routine scheduled observation was sent from a fully AUTOmated station
with no human intervention. In the remarks section, either "AO1" or "AO2" will be present
indicating the type of automatic precipitation measuring equipment. Sometimes, manual
observations are reported using data gathered from automatic devices, in which case an "AO1" or
"AO2" will be present in the remarks without an "AUTO" following the DTG.
Group 4: Wind
Winds are a two-minute average speed and direction report in knots and degrees true from which
direction the wind is blowing. The wind direction is first and will be in tens of degrees, using
three digits. A direction\s less than 100 is preceded by a zero to supply three digits. Speed is in
whole knots, using two or three digits after the direction, without spaces, and speeds of less than
10 knots are preceded with a zero. The wind group will always end with the letters "KT" to
indicate knots. Other countries may use different units of measurement, such as KM
(kilometers), MPH (miles per hour), or MPS (meters per second) (Figure 1-6).
METAR KNPA 082255Z 27004KT 7/8SM R04/4500FT DZ FG SCT000 BKN011 OVC380
19/18 A2997 RMK VIS1/2V1 CIG009V013 FG SCT000 BKN TOPS 027 SLP149
Figure 1-6 Wind Direction and Speed in METAR
09008KT -- Wind from 090 at 08 knots.
270112KT -- Wind from 270 at 112 knots.
GUSTS: The letter "G" immediately following the average wind speed indicates the presence of
gusts, which are rapid fluctuations in speeds of peaks and lulls of 10 knots or more. Wind speed
for the most recent ten minutes is used to determine gusts, and the maximum peak is reported
using two or three digits.
14015G28KT -- Wind from 140 at 15 knots with gusts to 28 knots.
33065G105KT -- Wind from 330 at 65 knots with gusts to 105 knots.
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