Figure 4-8 Part IV: Comments/Remarks Section
The actual time the briefing is completed is entered in Block 34 of Part V (Figure 4-9). Block 35
provides the flimsy briefing number, which is the number identifying that particular weather
brief. It is made up of a two-digit month, followed by a sequential number for that month (e.g.,
02-35 indicates the 35th DD Form 175-1 completed in February). This flimsy briefing number
should be transferred to the DD 175 flight plan before submitting it to Base Operations, to
indicate the aircrew has received a weather brief from a qualified forecaster.
Figure 4-9 Part V: Briefing Record Section
Assignment of Void Time
Block 37 will show the void time of the weather brief. In accordance with OPNAVINST 3710.7,
Navy and Marine Corps forecasters are required to provide flight weather briefings (DD 175-1 or
VFR stamps) within 2 hours of ETD and to assign briefing void times that do not exceed ETD
plus one-half hour. For example, for an ETD of 2200Z, the weather must be briefed no earlier
than 2000Z, and actual departure must be no later than 2230Z.
If it appears that takeoff will occur outside this window of time (a total of 2 hours after the
brief time in Block 34) the weather brief needs to be updated. This can be accomplished via
telephone before walking for the flight, or from the cockpit via radio before takeoff. If the
weather brief as first given is still applicable, then it may be extended, and the aircrew should
indicate this in Blocks 38 - 40. Depending on conditions, however, it may have to be rebriefed
completely. In either case, the new valid time for a rebriefed forecast is subject to the same
limitations as the original void time: one-half hour after the new ETD (provided to the forecaster
so that the appropriate weather could be determined). This new void time needs to be entered
into Block 38 by the aircrew, and the time in Block 39 should reflect the time at which the re-
briefing is completed. Block 40 is provided for aircrew to indicate the initials of the forecaster
who updated the weather brief. Finally, Block 41 is filled in at the time of the original brief to
indicate the rank and last name of the person receiving the briefing, noted for METRO records.
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