| ![]() Any car whose brakes do not apply or release shall be placed on the end of the cut of cars
opposite the locomotive. Complete Form 6 in Attachment B and turn form into maintenance.
d. Intermediate Train Air Test. Anytime a railcar or new cut of cars is added to or
removed from a railcar or an existing cut of cars, an intermediate test (set and release) shall be
conducted. This test is conducted to ensure that the integrity of the brake line and that the train's
brakes have not been compromised by the added car(s). See Section 3.4.d. for details.
e. Other Inspections. At every opportunity, crew members should scan their trains for
possible defects of the running gear, brake rigging, and draft rigging, giving special attention to
hot journals, sticking brakes, and sliding wheels. If a defect is discovered while the train is
moving, the engineer should be signaled to stop. If the defect cannot be remedied by the crew
member, the railroad dispatcher shall be notified.
Employees shall observe passing trains for defects; if conditions indicate a danger to the train,
they should take all practical measures for its protection.
f. Track and Structures Inspection. Track maintenance personnel are charged with
inspecting and maintaining safe track. However, every member of a train crew shall be able to
identify basic track defects since any defect could represent a potential derailment site. Figure 3-9
gives several examples of defective ties that shall be reported by train crews if observed. Figure
3-10 gives several examples of the various types of broken or damaged rails that may be
encountered and shall be reported. These deficiencies shall be reported in accordance with the
local railroad operating directive If any crew member finds any track defects or conditions that
may cause an accident, they shall report the condition immediately to the railroad dispatcher. If
the defect presents a risk to safe train operation, the crew shall wait for the defect to be inspected
by qualified personnel before proceeding. Defects that would be in this category include broken
rail, broken joint bars, and switch points out of adjustment.
Some of the items that crews shall maintain a lookout for are listed below. Crews shall
immediately report failures resulting from the below items to the dispatcher:
Broken rails, tie plates, joint bars, frogs, and switch points. Most of these items are more easily
observed by crew members on the ground although engineers may also be able to "feel" such
things as a broken frog.
Broken and/or rotted ties, plate cut, etc. Two or more broken or rotted ties in a row
is a concern, and operation over the affected track is questionable.
Wide gauge symptoms. If only a small portion of the rail on one or both sides of the
track is shiny, there is a strong possibility of wide gauge. This condition, if left
uncorrected, will eventually lead to a wheel drop derailment.
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