| ![]() Section 4.
Job Descriptions
a. Locomotive Engineer. The duties of a locomotive engineer will include:
(1) Observe all rules and practices in this manual, especially Section 3- Operation,
Practices, and Procedures and local directives applicable to the job function of a railroad train
(2) Operate the train in a safe manner and follow required train handling practices at all
times. Remain on the locomotive and give close attention to signals during switching and
coupling operations.
(3) Assumes charge of the train when the conductor is absent because of an emergency.
The railroad supervisor shall provide guidance/instructions to the engineer.
(4) Control and care for the assigned locomotive and ensure economical use of
fuel and supplies.
(5) Observe the condition of the train while underway, looking back frequently,
especially while rounding curves. Ensure other crewmembers in the cab inspect the train as
conditions permit.
(6) Observe the condition of the right of way being on a constant look out for track
defects, switches not properly lined, derails, and other obstructions or equipment that may be
fouling the track.
(7) Conduct all required inspections of the locomotive, record deficiencies/defects on
the prescribed form and promptly report to the railroad supervisor.
b. Conductor. The duties of a conductor will include:
(1) Observe all rules and practices in this manual, especially Section 3, and local
directives applicable to the job function of a railroad conductor.
(2) Supervise all other members of the crew and coordinate the train's operation.
Assign duties as necessary to complete the work assigned to the crew.
(3) Receives train movement orders and car spotting instructions from the dispatcher or
designated representative.
(4) Direct the safe movement and care of the locomotives, railcars, and other
equipment assigned to the train.
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