| ![]() FORM 9 (cont.)
(7) Slight horizontal movement at arms length at right angles to the track.
16 Using an "O" for short sounds and (-) for longer sounds, use engine whistles signals for the
following indications:
Apply brakes, stop
Flagman protect rear of train
Forward trainman protect ahead
Train has parted
Acknowledge signal given
When standing back
Call for signals
Approaching public crossing
Clearance to go through while work crew is working tracks
Obey Color Signals: Indicate the meaning of the following signals:
17. When does the train have the right of way on station?
18. What is a train?
19. What should be done after lining a switch and before giving a signal to move over it with cars
or locomotive?
20. What should be done when coupling cars and you notice a coupler out of line?
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