| ![]() i. Weighing of Cars. Cars can be weighed by a variety of means: weigh-in-motion
scales; static scales that weigh the whole car at once; or static scales that weigh one truck at a
time. To ensure accurate weighing, the procedures recommended for the scale in use shall be
j. Cars Laden with Explosive Material (conventional ammunition, ammunition
information governing the transportation and storage of railway ordnance cars.
k. Handling Special Equipment.
(1) Cranes. Movement plans for equipment such as cranes shall be reviewed for
compliance with the unique operational restrictions required by the characteristics of the
equipment. Refer to NAVFAC P-307 for specific guidance.
Where possible, crane booms should be in the trailing position to reduce the likelihood of the
boom swinging. If the crane boom cannot be placed in a trailing position, an idler (buffer) car
shall be used.
The speed of rail crane movement on track shall be restricted due to the short wheelbase,
suspension system, and long booms of railroad cranes.
(2) Maintenance of way equipment. The various maintenance of way equipment items
will normally be operated by public works or contractor maintenance forces. Movement of this
equipment over the rails shall be coordinated through the railroad dispatcher.
(3) Special service cars. Some special service cars in the Navy fleet are either
unusually long, have unusual truck configuration (three or four axles per truck) or both. These
cars shall be carefully watched when operated around tight curves since the trucks may be unable
to accommodate curves beyond a fixed radius and the overhang of long cars may have inadequate
clearance. Consult the appropriate Navy Directives for railcars transporting special weapons and
l. Handling of Suspect Cars. Suspect cars (cars of unknown contents or have been
tampered with) shall be placed in an area designated for storage of suspect cars until they are
m. Derailments and other incidents. The conductor or engineer shall immediately
report derailments and other incidents to the dispatcher. Notification shall include location,
injuries, the nature of the derailment, and the car numbers and contents of any cars that are
involved in the derailment. The dispatcher shall follow the local railroad operating directive.
Note: The crew shall secure the area and keep unauthorized people away from the scene until
assistance arrives. Equipment shall not be moved until the investigation is complete except to aid
injured personnel or to avoid possible explosion or fire damage.
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