| Covers policy, guidance, and direction for developing and using Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the processing of expendable (non-nuclear) ordnance at Navy
and Marine Corp activities in accordance with NAVSEA OP 5, Vol I and OPNAVINST 8023.2C.
d. Commercial and Government Railroad Related Organizations.
(1) The Association of American Railroads (AAR) maintains and publishes such
industry guidelines as the Field Manual of Interchange Rules, which, by industry agreement
establishes standards for interchange inspection and repair of railcars. The AAR also develops
and maintains specifications for freight car and component design. Navy installations shall be
concerned with AAR standards for cars accepted from interchange and those to be delivered to
interchange. Cars captive to a naval installation do not come under AAR recommended practices
or interchange rules, but the practices and rules do provide useful guidance.
(a) The Standard Code of Operating Rules (AAR Code Manual) This manual
provides useful guidelines for preparation of activity railroad operating manuals. If rules or
information contained in this manual are used, quote the rule vice the number/letter designation of
the rule.
(b) AAR Standards and Recommended Practices and Interchange Rules. This
publication provides railcar standards, some standards for locomotives, and interchange rules.
(2) The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is a regulatory agency under the
Department of Transportation. It is concerned with developing, modifying and enforcing safety
regulations for the commercial railroads of the United States. The regulations formulated by the
FRA for rail equipment safety appear in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Even
though DoD intra-installation rail equipment and facilities are exempt from compliance with FRA
railway standards, it is DoD policy to comply with these FRA standards for both rail rolling stock
and trackage. The most frequently used sections of Title 49 follow:
Part 215 - Railroad Freight Car Safety Standards
Part 219 Control of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Part 229 - Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards
Part 231 - Railroad Safety Appliance Standards
Part 232 - Railroad Power Brakes and Drawbars
e. Safety.
(1) Safety must be a top priority of all personnel. Disregarding safe practices
needlessly puts workers, the general public, government and private property at risk and increases
the potential for impairing operational readiness. Safety rules and SOPs are for the protection of
personnel, as well as for safeguarding Government property. All personnel engaged in rail
operation must be conversant with and obey the safety rules and special instructions governing
their particular rail operation.
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