The first step in time conversions is determining the zone description. Theoretically, the
zone description could be found by dividing the local longitude by 15, since each zone is
15 wide, but problems arise because the zone boundaries have been modified (for greater
convenience) along geographical and political boundaries. Cities and other populated
areas are not split between two time zones. In some countries that overlap two or three
zones, one zone is used throughout. Also, zone descriptions are influenced by daylight
savings time.
Figure 4.2-12 Enroute Supplement
The most common source for Zone Descriptions is the IFR Enroute Supplement. The ZD is
found by looking up the departure or arrival airport and locating the ZD after the latitude
and longitude coordinates in the first paragraph. For Sherman Field the ZD is -6 except in
daylight savings time when it is -5. (Figure 4.2-12) An additional source for ZD is the TPC
that covers the area of interest. For this navigation course, the zone description will always
be given to you.
Once the zone description has been determined, it can be applied to local mean time to
obtain GMT. Using the ZD from the enroute supplement, the formula is:
GMT (Z) = LMT - ZD
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