An advantage to navigating with a TACAN is that an aircrew can navigate themselves
directly from one TACAN radial/DME fix to another without first flying to the TACAN station.
This is called POINT-TO-POINT NAVIGATION and can be accomplished with the CR-3
computer or with the BDHI.
When using the CR-3 computer to solve point-to-point navigation problems, visualize the
wind side of the computer as a map with the center of the circular, green grid representing
the TACAN station. The green numbers around the edge of the circular grid represent
radials of the TACAN station. Each of the green concentric circles around the station
represents range rings. The value assigned to each ring (distance) is printed on the
Head/Tail/Crosswind lines. The following steps will utilize a present position of 309/ 11
(309 radial at 11 DME) (Figure4.6-12) and a destination of 180/15.
Figure 4.6-12 Tacan Point to Point 1
Once the radial and range have been determined for both the present position and the
destination, merely plot each corresponding point on the wheel in a manner similar to
plotting the wind in chapter 5 (Figures 4.6-13 & 4.6-14).
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