| ![]() 5.
Eight minutes into the flight the aircrew fixes their position as the 080
Radial at 20 miles from the Beaumont VORTAC (Ch 92). What is the
updated EFR over Evadale?
Using the practice chart, the jet log below, and the following preflight
information, determine the EFR at Beauregard.
Route of flight: Alexandria (31 19.5'N, 092 33.0'W) direct
Natchitoches (31 44.2'N, 093 05.5'W) direct Beauregard (30
50.0'N, 093 20.0'W). TAS is 135, Fuel on Board is 200lbs with
a fuel flow of 100pph. Preflight winds are 190/45.
Using the information given in question 6, the aircrew find themselves
over Natchitoches at 0944Z. If they need to be overhead Beauregard at
1000Z, what GROUNDSPEED must they maintain enroute to
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