| ![]() T-45A/C TS, ADV & IUT Aero-02
High-Speed Flight
Increased by transonic and supersonic flight
Sg 1, fr 15
High-Speed Drag
Occurs at the force divergent Mach number and
continues to build
Rate of total aircraft drag rise decreases as the
bow wave attaches
C. Transonic and Supersonic Affects on Stability
Buffeting -- caused by turbulence associated with
Sg 1, fr 16
separation of boundary layers as normal
Airframe Buffeting
compression waves form
Tuck under
Aerodynamic center moves aft, causing a
nose down pitch or "tuck under"
Sg 1, fr 17
Tuck Under
Further increase in flight speed causes a
(1 overlay)
bottom shock
Transonic pitch characteristics
(1) Dive recovery: 0.85-0.90 Mach
(2) Nose-up pitch attributed to an increase in
Overlay 1
the downwash angle at the horizontal tail
Sg 1, fr 18
(3) Increased downwash attributed to spanwise
Fig 3: T-45
lift distribution
Midspan Vortex
(a) Strongest lift gradient normally near
Sg 1, fr 19
wingtip, resulting in wingtip vortexing
Fig 4: Transonic Lift
(b) Midspan shock-induced separation
Sg 1, fr 20
results in reduction in lift over outer
Fig 3: T-45
Midspan Vortex
40% of wing, resulting in large lift
gradient at midspan
Sg 1, fr 21
Fig 5: Cause of
(c) Caused by midspan vortex
Reduced T-45 Stability
in Transonic Flight
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(9-99) Original
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