| ![]() Stability
T-45A/C TS, E2C2, ADV & IUT Aero-04
Knowing what to expect from the T-45 and understanding why the
Sg 0, fr 5
T-45 possesses certain flight characteristics will help you to obtain
the maximum performance from the aircraft.
This lesson will discuss the flight and stability characteristics of
the T-45 as follows:
T-45 Flight Controls
Stability (Generic)
T-45 Stability (General)
Factors Affecting T-45 Stability
Recall that:
Sg 0, fr 6
Center of Gravity/
As aircraft become more maneuverable, they become less
Aerodynamic Center
Relationship to
The relationship between the center of gravity and the
aerodynamic center affects both the stability and
controllability of an aircraft
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(9-99) Original
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