| ![]() Slow-Speed Flight, Stall and Spin, and AOA System
T-45A/C TS, E2-C2, ADV & IUT Aero-03
The margin for error in a high performance aircraft flying straight
Sg 0, fr 5
and level at 500 KIAS and 25,000 ft is much larger than the
Slow Flight
margin for error as you approach the carrier all dirtied up at
120 KIAS with 500 ft of altitude. Most pilot-induced accidents
occur during takeoff, approach, and landing; so it is critical that
you understand the aerodynamics of slow-speed flight
This lesson is designed to prepare you for slow-speed flight in a
high performance aircraft.
In this lesson we will be studying:
Slow-speed flight
Stalls and spins
Angle-of-attack (AOA) system
Recall that:
Changing the wing's geometry to a lower camber, a lower
thickness-to-chord ratio, and a lower aspect ratio and adding
sweepback will lower the total drag of the wing, but the wing
will require a higher AOA to produce the same amount of lift
as a wing of higher aspect ratio. At high speeds, we benefit
from these changes with better performance and maneuver-
ability; however, the high AOA and slow-speed flight
characteristics will be degraded.
(9-99) Original
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