| ![]() T-45A UJPT, E2-C2, ADV, & IUT Seat-01
Aeromedical Aspects of Emergency Egress (NACES)
NOTE: After initial contact, SAR units will
Sg 11, fr 2, p 4
be switched to 282.8 MHz (SAR common)
SAR Procedures
by the SAR coordinator for radar service
and overall coordination.
* OSC (cont.)
IFF/SIF - emergency/7700 or as assigned
NOTE: After initial contact,
by SAR coordinator
SAR units will be switched to
282.8 MHz (SAR common) by
Use TACAN and local area charts to
the SAR coordinator for radar
determine the crash position and to assist
service and overall
SAR units
3. IFF/SIF - emergency/7700
Perform low altitude survey to determine
or as assigned by SAR
aircrews condition. If two aircraft are on
scene, OSC should orbit high for comm
4. Use TACAN and local area
charts to determine the
crash position and to assist
NOTE: Student aviators 2,500 ft MSL and
SAR units
250 KIAS minimum.
5. Perform low altitude survey
Pilots will compute a bingo fuel to land with
to determine aircrews
condition. If two aircraft are
sufficient reserve. Honor your bingo
on scene, OSC should orbit
high for comm relay
Sg 11, fr 2, p 5
SAR Procedures
* OSC (cont.)
NOTE: Student aviators:
2,500 ft MSL and 250 KIAS
6. Pilots will compute a bingo
fuel to land with sufficient
reserve. Honor your bingo
(9-99) Original
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