| ![]() T-45A UJPT, E2-C2, ADV, & IUT Seat-01
Aeromedical Aspects of Emergency Egress (NACES)
Decision to eject
Sg 6, fr 3
Decision to Eject
Failure to eject is still the leading cause of
death in the tactical jet community
* Failure to eject is still the
leading cause of death in the
Other causative factors are initiating
tactical jet community
ejection below 2,000 ft AGL and ejection
* Other causative factors are
out of the ejection envelope
initiation ejection below 2,000 ft
AGL and ejection out of the
ejection envelope
Summary of ejection
Try to get into a good body position but do
Sg 6, fr 4
not delay ejecting solely for this purpose
Summary of Ejection
Rehearse the ejection scenario mentally as
* Try to get into a good body
you brief it
position but do not delay
ejecting solely for this purpose
Know your seat capabilities and limitations
* Rehearse the ejection scenario
mentally as you brief it
* Know your seat capabilities and
(9-99) Original
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