| ![]() T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ACMFP-02
ACM 1 v 1 Offensive Maneuvering
Problem: using excessive AOB during reversal
causes nose to drop and aircraft to accelerate
resulting in excessive down-range travel and
loss of offensive advantage
Correction: when low wing breaks horizon on
way down, apply top rudder to stop roll at 45
NOTE: At approximately 120 KIAS, the rudder
is the primary control surface used to induce or
stop rolling moments.
Bandit with low energy on initial overshoot
with altitude advantage, fighter rolls into barrel
roll attack
Bandit attempts to disengage
(1) Bandits extension fails to generate
sufficient nose-to-tail separation
(a) Fighter pulls nose down in slice turn to
reduce AOT and minimize separation
(b) Fighter remains in phase with bandit
using combination and/or variation of
high and low yo-yos for guns solution
NOTE: The fighter should be
cautioned not to descend too far below
the bandit during the disengagement.
This will allow the bandit to use altitude
and radial G to his advantage.
(2) Bandit generates sufficient nose-to-tail
separation, bugs out successfully, or
performs defensive pitch back
NOTE: See section II.B.4.b under high
(05-98) Change 1
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