| T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ACMFP-02
ACM 1 v 1 Offensive Maneuvering
Question 4 —
The offensive purpose of the snap guns exercise is to
practice reaching ______ against a maneuvering bandit.
ANSWER: a snap guns envelope
Question 5 —
In the offensive snap guns exercise, after the bandit calls
“In as the target,” what action does the fighter take?
ANSWER: The fighter calls in as the shooter and reverses with
the bandit at 10 or 2 o’clock to achieve a snap guns solution of
60-90 degrees AOT.
Question 6 —
In the offensive snap guns exercise, after the bandit
maneuvers out-of-plane to defeat the gun solution, what
happens to the fighter?
ANSWER: The fighter overshoots the bandit because of a high
Question 7 —
What is the purpose of the low yo-yo in ACM?
ANSWER: Decrease range or increase rate of closure in low
closure/low angle off situations
Question 8 —
What is the purpose of the high yo-yo in ACM?
ANSWER: To prevent an overshoot of the bandit’s flight path
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