| ![]() T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ACMFP-02
ACM 1 v 1 Offensive Maneuvering
Fighter tactics exist to defeat other aircraft. The airplane itself
Sg 0, fr 5
may be considered a weapons platform designed to bring the
Video: Motivation
weapons system into position for firing. Meeting these weapons-
firing requirements must, therefore, be the goal of all fighter
tactics and maneuvering.
You have just seen glimpses of the air war in Vietnam and Desert
Storm. Naval fighters ended the Vietnam war with a 12.5:1 kill
ratio. Before you make your first ACM flight, you must understand
that your success as a fighter pilot depends on your commitment
to be the victor not the victim.
This lesson prepares you to fly offensive 1 v 1 air combat
In this lesson you will be studying:
Offensive considerations
Snap guns exercise
High yo-yo
Low yo-yo
Break turn exercise
Horizontal scissors
Displacement roll
Barrel roll attack
Rolling scissors
Assess 1 v 1 tactical situation
(05-98) Change 1
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