| ![]() T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ACMFP-02
ACM 1 v 1 Offensive Maneuvering
(1) Fighter: starts conversion over top of barrel
roll attack
Bandit: hard turns into fighter to cause
horizontal overshoot and then pitches up
vertically to generate vertical overshoot
(2) Fighter
(a) Rolls in order to place lift vector on
(b) Keeps lift vector on bandit using 17
units AOA until wings level on bottom
Bandit: attempts to generate a horizontal
overshoot on top while executing barrel roll
attack on fighter
(3) Fighter
(a) Holds lift vector aft of bandits 6 o'clock
(b) Pitches vertically 40-60 degrees nose-
high depending on energy state
(c) Uses 17 units AOA in pitch up
(d) Rolls toward bandit in barrel roll attack
to place lift vector on bandit
Bandit: overshoots vertically
(4) Both aircraft now locked in series of vertical
and horizontal overshoots
Energy considerations
(1) Manage energy by using vertical/oblique
NOTE: In similar aircraft, the steepness of
the climbs and dives determines the
horizontal movement more than does the
absolute speed differential.
(05-98) Change 1
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