| ![]() ACM 1 v 1 Defensive Maneuvering
(2) Maintain nose-low hard turn until bandits
nose committed into vertical
(3) Once bandits nose committed up, unload
aircraft 5-10 units AOA to optimize
acceleration and separation
(4) Maintain sight of bandit throughout
NOTE: If the bandits flight path takes him
significantly outside of the fighters flight
path, reverse turn direction and turn
sufficiently to keep the bandit in sight.
(5) Continue unloading until bandit commits
nose-low but prior to weapons threat
(6) Execute pitchback
(a) If distance to bandit 1-1/4 nm or
greater and lateral separation exists,
execute lateral pitchbacknose-low
hard turn
(b) If distance to bandit less than 1 mile or
bandit at dead 6, execute vertical
pitchbackexecute at 60 degree
nose-high, 17 units
NOTE: The goal is to meet the bandit
with minimum lateral separation.
(7) Unload to gain energy
(8) Bug out if possible or continue extension
Common errors
Problem: failing to turn hard into bandit to
generate AOT and closure
Prevention: ensure hard or break turn is
(05-98) Change 1
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