Night Familiarization Flight Procedures
T-45C TS, ADV, & IUT NFamFP-01
Sg 0, fr 2: Motivational Text
Because modern naval aviation tactics place increased
importance on night operations, you must know the
phenomena and techniques associated with night flying
in order to fly effectively at night. The greatest difficulties
you will encounter during the hours of darkness stem
from reduced visibility and lack of spatial references.
You will enhance your ability to overcome these
difficulties by mastering the material in this lesson.
Sg 0, fr 3: Overview Text
After completing this lesson, you will be familiar with the
differences between day and night operations and the
problems that may occur at night due to the reduced
number of visual references.
This lesson covers:
Human factors of night flying
Night visual navigation planning/procedures
Exterior preflight inspection
Night ground operations
Field lighting and equipment
Taxi procedures
Ground personnel signals (night)
Takeoff and departure procedures
Aircraft-to-aircraft light signals
Enroute procedures
Arrival and field entry procedures (night)
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(9-99) Original