Familiarization Flight Procedures
T-45C TS, ADV & IUT FamFP-01
Think back a couple of years or even a couple of months
when the thought of flying a jet aircraft sent chills down
the back of your neck. Well, the time to fly a jet is here
and now. You are about to enter that phase of your
aviation training that very few enterlearning to fly a
sophisticated jet aircraft. No matter what type of aircraft
you are eventually assigned, it all starts here in FamFP-
01, the foundation for the remaining Fam lessons.
Upon completion of this lesson, you will understand all
phases of ground (field) operations, normal and cross-
wind takeoff flight procedures, and departure procedures.
This lesson covers:
T-45C waypoint navigation
Data entry procedures
Applications (VFR)
Manup, ground operations, and LID
Briefing board items
Other Fam briefing items
Brief reminders (student info)
Line procedures
Ground crew signals
Taxi director's signals
Final checker procedures
(9-99) Orignal
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