Meteorology and Flight Planning
Disseminated 2 times daily in 12-hour
(1) 8-panel chart
(2) Chart does not forecast winds and temp-
erature for a given time but considered
average winds for the period of the chart,
for use until next chart received
(1) Wind shaft - depicts the quadrant from
which the wind is blowing
(a) To 8 cardinal points of compass
(b) Number near the end of the shaft
indicates direction to nearest
10 degrees
(2) Wind velocity indicated at top of shaft
(a) Flag for 50 kts
(b) Barb for 10 kts
(c) Half barb for 5 kts
(d) Accuracy to nearest 5 kts
(e) If calm or light and variable, wind will
be shown as "99" to the lower left
corner of station model
(3) Temperature depicted in degrees Celsius
near base of wind flag
(7-97) Original
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