Metro Review
3. Radar summary charts
Fig 21: Radar
Summary Chart
a. Derived from radar returns from National Weather Service
(NWS), terminal, and Air Route Traffic Control Center
(ARTCC) weather radar stations across the U.S.
(1) Weather radar used is primarily X-band (UHF), which is
more sensitive to weather echoes
(2) Computer-produced facsimile presentation from radar
thunderstorms for preflight planning purposes
Disseminated once an hour, 35 minutes past the hour
d. Symbology
(1) Areas of echoes are marked with a solid outline and
(a) 6 different levels of intensity
(b) Only contours for levels 1,3,5 are plotted; levels 2,4,6
are interpolated between them
(c) Intensities
i) Weak
Moderate (moderate to severe turbulence
iii) Strong (severe turbulence possible and lightning)
iv) Very strong (severe turbulence probable and
v) Intense (severe turbulence, lightning, hail likely,
and organized wind gusts)
vi) Extreme (severe turbulence, lightning, large hail,
and extensive wind gusts and turbulence)
(d) Line of echoes (such as a squall line) indicated by a
solid line
(2) Display tops and bottoms of radar echoes, if known, in
hundreds of feet
NOTE: Actual cloud tops and/or bottoms may be several
thousand feet higher or lower.
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