Operational and Ejection Emergency Procedures
Mishaps during carrier operations resulting in water
After covering the situations that require emergency egress,
use the ejection seat mock-up to demonstrate the procedures.
Possibly use a student as the pilot during the demonstration or
have several students demonstrate procedures after the
material is presented.
Procedures - See NATOPS
NOTE: At ground level, the ejection option exists as long
as the seat and parachute harness remain fastened
(occupants properly strapped in), the cockpit canopy
remains closed and locked, and the aircraft is in a
substantially upright attitude. Ejection must not be
attempted unless each of these conditions are satisfied.
It is stressed that following a crash landing where it is
possible that damage to the canopy frame or front
fuselage has occurred and where escape by ejection
may be the best course, no attempt should be made to
open the canopy. If such an attempt were made and
resulted in the canopy jamming in a partially open
position, the ejection option would be lost and manual
egress from the cockpit might also be lost. Further, the
occupants should not unstrap until it is evident that no
danger is present which might inhibit manual escape
from the aircraft.
WARNING: Do not eject unless the canopy is fully
(9-98) Original
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