UJPT BIFP-09 & E2-C2 BIFP-05
Instrument Failures
An aircraft's instrument systems are subjected to an exceptionally harsh environment of
g loading and extremes of temperature, pressure, and humidity. It is a tribute to the
efforts of manufactures and maintenance personnel that we so rarely experience an
instrument failure in flight. Although rare, instrument failures do happen, so it is crucial
that you be prepared to handle one safely.
If you have a good scan, losing an instrument should mean little more than adapting
your scan to substitute another instrument for the one that you have lost.
When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to recall the step-by-step
procedures for dealing with instrument failures in flight.
This lesson consists of the procedures for:
SAHRS failure
HSI failure
ADI failure
Turn and slip indicator failure
Pitot static malfunctions
AOA indicator failure
Radar altimeter failure
VOR failure
TACAN bearing failure
ILS glideslope failure
ILS localizer failure
ILS marker beacon failure
Partial panel flight
(03-97) Original
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