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Aviation Maintenance and Training Volume 2
> Basic Instruments Flight Procedures - index
Motivation - P-12350009
Instrument takeoff procedures
ITO Sequence
Retract landing gear
Adjust pitch to intercept and maintain climb speed
Standard instrument departures (SIDs) - P-12350014
SID categories and location - P-12350015
Pilot nav SID - P-12350016
Sorts aircraft by initial route for efficiency
Departure controls responsibility to provide instructions
Flying the SID
Intercepting an arc from a radial - P-12350020
Maintaining an arc
Intercepting a radial from an arc - P-12350022
Adjustment techniques (radial to arc/arc to radial intercepts)
Radial to arc intercept adjustments
Radial to arc intercept adjustments (Cont)
Summary - P-12350026
Flight Support Lecture Guide - P-12350027
Lesson Objectives - P-12350029
Motivation - P-12350030
Elements of an ILS approach - P-12350031
Glideslope transmitter - P-12350032
The beam usable range - P-12350033
Marker beacons - P-12350034
Aircraft instrument indications (ILS) - P-12350035
Aircraft instrument indications (ILS) (cont) - P-12350036
Marker beacon lights are synchronized with audio identification - P-12350037
ILS approach - P-12350038
Transition to landing configuration with speed brake retracted
Localizer/glidepath intercept to DH/MAP - P-12350040
Control - P-12350041
Maintain course and glidepath - P-12350042
Back course LOC approach - P-12350043
Summary - P-12350044
Flight Support Lecture Guide - P-12350045
Reinforcement - P-12350046
Lesson Objectives - P-12350047
Motivation - P-12350048
Course intercepts and tracking - P-12350049
Course deviation indicator (CDI) - P-12350050
TACAN/VOR tracking/intercepting procedures - P-12350051
Double angle off bow (close to station)
30-degree method of intercept - P-12350053
Outbound - P-12350054
Immediately after station passage
Correcting for wind drift using TACAN/VOR/VOR DME - P-12350056
Approaches - P-12350057
NAVAIDs: Tuned and Identified
Review Approach to be flown - P-12350059
Communication procedures for approach - P-12350060
Approach control communication - P-12350061
TACAN/VOR DME approach procedures - P-12350062
Initial approach fix (IAF) to final approach fix (FAF)
Aircraft control - P-12350064
Final approach fix (FAF) to missed approach point (MAP) - P-12350065
Aircraft control - P-12350066
VOR approach procedures - P-12350067
When on an inbound bearing
Navigation procedure - P-12350069
Summary - P-12350070
Flight Support lecture Guide - P-12350071
Reinforcement - P-12350072
Lesson Objectives - P-12350073
Motivation - P-12350074
Refresher - P-12350075
Estimate initial rate of descent required - P-12350076
Precision radar approaches (PARs) - P-12350077
Glideslope - P-12350078
Procedures/scan techniques for flying a PAR approach - P-12350079
Base leg - P-12350080
Final leg - P-12350081
Control - P-12350082
Communication procedures for a PAR approach - P-12350083
Must provide prior to final approach - P-12350085
Surveillance radar approaches (ASRs) - P-12350086
Recommended altitudes
Procedures/scan techniques for flying an ASR approach - P-12350088
Final approach - P-12350089
Control - P-12350090
Communication procedures for an ASR approach - P-12350091
Controller - P-12350092
Must provide on final approach - P-12350093
Procedures/scan techniques for performing missed approach - P-12350094
Procedure - P-12350095
Scan - P-12350096
Summary - P-12350097
Flight Support Lecture Guide - P-12350098
Reinforcement - P-12350099
Lesson Objectives - P-12350100
Lesson Objectives (cont) - P-12350101
Motivation - P-12350102
Stalls and Unusual Attitudes
Stalls on instruments - P-12350104
Dirty - P-12350106
Recovery - P-12350107
Unusual attitude recoveries - P-12350108
Nose-high inverted
Nose-low upright
Nose-low inverted
Partial panel unusual attitude recoveries - P-12350113
Aileron Roll - P-12350115
Wingover - P-12350116
Loop - P-12350117
Barrel Roll - P-12350118
Half Cuban Eight - P-12350119
Immelmann - P-12350120
Split S - P-12350121
Summary - P-12350122
Flight Support Lecture Guide - P-12350124
Reinforcement - P-12350125
Lesson Objectives - P-12350126
Lesson Objectives (cont) - P-12350127
Motivation - P-12350128
Presentation - P-12350129
Considerations - P-12350130
HSI Failure - P-12350131
Instrument approaches (possible)
Procedure - P-12350133
Turn and Slip Indicator Failure - P-12350134
Pitot Static Malfunctions - P-12350135
Barometric altimeter failure - P-12350136
VSI failure - P-12350137
Standby Gyro Failure - P-12350138
AOA Indicator Failure - P-12350139
Radar Altimeter Failure - P-12350140
VOR Failure - P-12350141
TACAN Failure
Procedure - P-12350143
ILS Glideslope Failure - P-12350144
ILS Localizer Failure - P-12350145
Procedure - P-12350146
ILS Marker Beacon Failure
Partial Panel Approaches
Summary - P-12350149
Basic Instruments Flight Procedures - index
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