T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 ASI-05, IUT ASI-02
TIS Orientation
Sg 0, fr 2
The Training Integration System (TIS) was developed for the Navy to
automate the functions of tracking Strike student training and instructor-
under-training (IUT) administrative details. Student performance, scheduling,
resource management, and other recordkeeping functions in TIS, though
necessary, should not interfere with or otherwise adversely affect training. To
ensure this, it is mandatory that accurate records be entered in the system in
a timely fashion.
This lesson will introduce you to TIS, its functions, and composition of the
Training Wing Two Systems office. Your TIS training will be conducted in two
separate lessons for students and three lessons for IUTs. This ensures
training occurs in a timely manner and provides a minimal time delay between
your functional instruction and your implementation of those functions. At the
conclusion of this lesson, the student will log into TIS, change the generic
password, view and print training schedules, view the personnel data, and
send and receive messages.
(11-97) Original
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