Air Combat Maneuvering
Flight Procedures
In a rate fight, Figure 27, you are purposely attempting to gain an initial energy advantage without
sacrificing a decisive position advantage to the bogey. The fight usually develops when both fighters turn
in the same direction (usually crossing each others tail) at the pass, scribing two circles, and it is referred
to as a two-circle fight. As the bogeys energy is depleted, your energy advantage will allow you to
convert to greater angular gains and possible shot opportunities.
Enter the fight with maximum
energy choosing an initial move
that exploits the tactical
advantages of your aircraft. If you
have excess energy at the pass
(above cornering speed), convert
this kinetic energy to potential
energy by going vertical, i.e.,
trading airspeed for altitude. If you
are below cornering speed at the
pass, perform an unloaded
extension until your energy reaches
at least cornering speed for
maximum potential. You should
always strive to maintain cornering
speed during the initial portions of
the energy engagement. Speeds
other than cornering speed reduce
your turn rate. Avoid turning at
speeds greater than cornering
speed which will cause you to
The rate fight also presents
greater opportunities for
separation and disengagements.
However, without forward-quarter
missiles, a rate fight increases
your time-to-kill and requires
finesse and proficiency in your
own energy management as well
as the ability to judge the bogeys
energy state.
A vertical fight, Figure 28, is a
one-circle fight where one or both
fighters make a vertical move at
the pass.
The head-on pass occurs when two fighters pass canopy to canopy with minimum lateral separation. In
the Training Command, the bogey (lead) and the fighter (wingman) are set up from a co-altitude, co-
airspeed, wide combat spread.
From combat spread at the bogeys call, both aircraft take a 10-degree cut away and climb to briefed
altitude. Once on altitude and airspeed, you each will confirm Airspeed and angels. As directed by the
lead/instructor acting as the bogey, you both turn to a parallel heading. Upon hearing Fights on from the
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T-45C Revision 1