Tactical Formation
FOX-2: AIM-9 IR missile firing solution.
Free Fighter: Fighter maneuvering to protect the engaged fighter and to obtain a clear shot at the bogey.
GUNS: Rear-quarter steady-state or snap guns firing solution.
Hard Turn: Compromise between maximum rate turn and energy conserving turn (300 KIAS at 17 units
High Cover: An offensive position of the free fighter in loose deuce, high and outside the engaged
fighters turn.
HUD: Head-up display used in the T-45C for flight/weapons information.
In-place Turn: An engaging turn that maneuvers a section 180 degrees by turning lead and wingman in
the same direction.
Knock It Off: Stop fight or current maneuvers.
LAC: Lead Angle Computing.
Lag Pursuit: Nose of the attacking aircraft tracking behind the bogey.
Lead Pursuit: Nose of the attacking aircraft tracking ahead of the bogey.
Lift Vector: Imaginary line that runs perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.
Line Of Sight (LOS): Bearing to bogey relative to fighter.
Loose Deuce: Navy tactical doctrine for employment of a section of aircraft in air-to-air warfare.
Low Cover: An offensive position of the free fighter in loose deuce low and inside the engaged fighters
MRT: Military rated thrust.
No Joy: I do not see the bogey.
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