Appendix A
Instrument Flight
Study Resources for Basic Instrument Flight Procedures:
[A] NATOPS Instrument Flight Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-112
[B] Instrument FTI
[C] T-45A NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000
[D] Personal Engineering Notes
BIFP-01: “Instrument Takeoff, Climb, SIDs, and Arcing Procedures” 1.3 hr Classroom
Lesson Preparation:
[A] Paragraphs 17.2.1 “Pretakeoff Procedures”, ITO Procedures (Fixed Wing)”, and 27.2
Departure through 27.2.2 “Standard Instrument Departure (SID)”
[B] Paragraphs “Instrument Takeoff (ITO)” through “Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents”, and
paragraphs under “Outbound Intercepts”
Lesson Objectives for BIFP-10X exam preparation:
Recall procedures for performing an instrument takeoff
Recall procedures for performing a standard instrument departure
Recall procedures for radial to arc intercept
Recall procedures for flying a TACAN/VOR DME ARC
Recall procedures for arc to radial intercept
BIFP-02: “Introduction to Basic Instruments” .7 hr CAl
Lesson Preparation:
[A] Chapter 13 “Attitude Instruments”, Chapter 14 “Performance Instruments”, Chapter 15 “Position
Instruments”, Chapter 16 “Attitude Instrument Flying”
Lesson Objectives for BIFP-10X exam preparation:
Identify the location, purpose, and function of the flight control instruments
Identify the location, purpose, and function of the flight performance instruments
Identify the location, purpose, and function of the flight position instruments
Recall instrument scan procedures/techniques
BIFP-03: “Instrument Turns” .8 hr CAI
Lesson Preparation:
[A] Paragraphs “Maintaining a Desired Heading” through “Turning Performance”
[C] Review Turn Performance Charts
Lesson Objectives for BIFP-10X exam preparation:
Recall procedures for controlling aircraft heading and turn rate
Recall procedures for performing turn pattern
Recall procedures for performing standard rate turns
Recall procedures for performing 1/2 standard rate turns
Recall procedures for performing partial panel timed turns
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