Landing Procedures
you will now show fast on the AOA gauge. As you are holding forward stick, reduce power to slow the
aircraft to the full flap on-speed. The forward pressure required to maintain VSI will decrease as the
aircraft slows, and then pass through the half flap setting until you will need a little back-stick pressure to
hold the full flap on-speed setting. Retrim the aircraft for on-speed.
Aircraft operating on an IFR flight plan, landing at a field without an operating control tower, will be advised
Towers and centers do not have nontower airport traffic and runway-in-use information, so if the informa-
tion has not been obtained through ATIS or otherwise, you should make a quick change to the airport
advisory frequency when authorized. Be alert and look for other aircraft around the airfield, and exchange
traffic information when approaching or departing the uncontrolled airfield. This is critical, as some aircraft,
such as cropdusters, may not have comm capability, while others may not communicate their presence or
intentions. These transmissions will be made on a common frequency identified for the purpose of airport
advisories known as CTAF, or common traffic advisory frequency. The CTAF may be a UNICOM,
MULTICOM, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified in appropriate aeronautical publications.
When approaching a field with an FSS or UNICOM, establish comm about 10 miles out, state your aircraft
type, call sign, location relative to the airfield, intentions to land or overfly, and request wind information
and runway in use. Each report is preceded with the airfield ID, such as, " ollege Station FSS. . .,"or
" ollege Station UNICOM, KATO 211, T-45, 10 miles south at 5,000 ft for landing, request airport advi-
sory." Report on downwind, base leg, final, and when clear of the runway to the area traffic: " ollege
Station traffic, KATO 211 downwind for runway 13." If there is no tower, FSS, or UNICOM station at the
airfield, use MULTICOM frequency 122.9 for self-announcement of position and intentions. For practice
approaches, report final approach fix inbound or established on final approach segment on being released
by ATC, as well as missed approach or completion of approach. Departing aircraft should always be alert
for arrival aircraft coming from the opposite direction and make calls for taxiing, taking the runway, and
leaving the 10-mile radius of the airfield.
Immediately on touchdown, smoothly apply aileron into the wind as required to hold wings level, maintain
longitudinal stick at approach position or slightly forward, and neutralize the rudder prior to nose wheel
touchdown. During roll-out, less aileron may be required to maintain wings level.
Although the chances of a blown main tire while operating at an airfield are remote, consideration must be
given to your reaction to this emergency and the handling characteristics of the aircraft during landing and
roll-out. If a blown main tire is experienced, you can expect to receive an LSO talk down to a fly-in short
field arrested landing. The target touchdown point is on centerline within 50 feet of the arresting gear. On
touchdown, the aircraft will begin an immediate and rapid yaw or swerve to the side of the blown tire that
could establish approximately 3 degrees AOB opposite the direction of yaw. The pilot should anticipate
this and be prepared to apply the proper corrective control inputs (rudder pedal deflection opposite the
swerve) and execute a go-around. The technique for go-around is the same as for normal touch and go or
bolter with the additional and simultaneous application of rudder pedal to counter the swerve (up to 180
lbs. of force). The prompt, but smooth application of aft stick (up to full aft stick) will reduce time on deck.
This technique maintains the proper pitch attitude for arresting wire engagement and also prepares the
aircraft for an immediate fly-away should the hook not engage the arresting wire. If an arrested landing is
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