T-45 Carrier Qualification Briefing Guide
Carrier Qualification
(2) Preflight - same as before
(3) Beware of intakes, exhausts and props!
(4) Avoid landing area if ops in progress
(5) Same start, checks, etcetera. (Start on yellow shirt signal only)
(6) No hook check if tail over water until A/C pulls forward
(7) Call “(side number), up and ready, (gross weight)”
b. Hot switches
(1) A/C checked and chained
(2) Seat safed and parking braked set
(4) Leave all electrical equipment on
(5) Unstrap, lengthen lap straps, seat up and rudder peddles outward
(6) Open canopy on signal, ensure intake screen in place
(7) Debrief oncoming pilot
16. Normal Departure Procedures
a. Case I
(1) Straight ahead at 500 ft to 7 nm at 300 KIAS or as directed by tower. All rendezvous
will be at 250 KIAS/within 5 nm
(2) Turn shortest direction to field and climb. Stay away from overhead marshal stack
(remain outside of 10 nm)
(3) Contact departure when directed
b. Case II
(1) Straight ahead at 500 ft to 7 nm at 300 KIAS or as directed by departure
(2) At 7 nm, turn in appropriate direction onto the 10 nm arc and intercept the departure
radial outbound
(3) If joining other aircraft, execute TACAN rendezvous (VFR on top) on departure radial
at a distance of angels plus 15 miles
(4) All aircraft shall report airborne, arcing, and outbound. Remain VMC established
outbound on departure radial.
(7-01) Original
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