Air Combat Maneuvering
Flight Procedures
After the switch, the engaged fighter will call the direction of the extension and the fight and maneu-
ver to gain an offensive advantage. He will attempt to force the bandit in a direction away from the
free fighter. The free fighter will then extend as directed by the engaged fighter. He must keep the
bandit in sight following the switch and begin a nose-low, energy-gaining turn to achieve proper
separation and cornering speed. The free fighter must also gain enough energy to allow him to
reengage the bandit, if necessary, at a high energy state. Once the free fighter attains proper
separation, he will call tally visual, or, if he is unable to distinguish between aircraft, he will call the
number in sight. The engaged fighter need not respond unless the free fighter cannot distinguish
between aircraft. If the free fighter does not have a tally visual, the engaged fighter must assist him
by calling direction, altitude, location, and, if need be, the next crossing. Should the free fighter be
totally blind, the engaged fighter may even have to locate and redirect him into the fight. Once the
free fighter has reestablished situational awareness, he will maneuver as necessary to kill the bandit.
Following is an example of the voice comm that would accompany the single-switch scenario.
Free fighter: Nerf, break right, bandit right 5.
Engaged fighter: Tally, Nerfs engaged.
Free fighter: Decoys free pulling for shot. (After seeing the bandit switch)Switch, switch,
the bandits coming to me, right-to-right. (Bandit acknowledges)Decoy will engage flat
scissors 360.
New free fighter: Nerfs free extending.
Engaged fighter: Decoy confirms flat scissors 360.
Free fighter: Nerf turning in, tally visual.
Free fighter: Fox-2, bandit on the right.
The next example of voice comm would occur if the free fighter has only one aircraft in sight
following the extension.
Free fighter: Turning in, tally one.
Engaged fighter: Decoy on left, standby for merge, decoy on right.
The engaged fighter must pass close with the bandit to ensure visual sighting by the free fighter.
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