Air Combat Maneuvering
Flight Procedures
If you have to use a high-g roll and your airspeed is less than 275 KIAS, execute the roll underneath,
(Figure 28), ensuring that your altitude is at least 2,000 ft above the deck, and the bandit is within the
1,500-ft range. To execute the high-g roll underneath, attempt to force an overshoot the same as you
would if you were going over the top: increase back stick, reduce power, and extend your speed
brakes. Continue your defensive pull until you have generated the highest possible angle off and
closure. Roll in the direction of the defensive turn while maintaining back stick and apply full bottom
rudder throughout the roll. When your lift vector starts above the horizon (halfway through the roll),
maintain 19-20 units AOA while adding full power and retracting speed brakes. Continue rolling to
wings level, neutralize your rudder to stop the roll, and maintain back stick to achieve a nose-high
attitude, while checking for the bandits position.
The advantages of the high-g roll underneath are that gravity assists in the early stages and speed
loss is reduced, providing for better maneuverability. The tradeoff is that it results in considerable loss
of altitude.
Regardless of the type of high-g roll, if the bandit overshoots outside the turn, continue to pull up and
into the bandit in order to increase AOT. Attempt to force the bandit into a scissors as you look for
opportunities to disengage. If the bandit is inside the turn, continue to pull into the bandit, attempting
another maneuver to prevent a guns solution.
Another last-ditch maneuver, a jink-out destroys a guns solution by maneuvering out-of-phase while
retaining the potential either to neutralize a follow-on maneuver by the bandit or to seek an opportunity
to disengage. As the bandit approaches a medium-to-low angle, in-close firing solution, increase your
turn to create an overshoot. Assuming an overshoot does not occur and the bandit begins to pull lead,
apply negative g to push your aircraft out of the bandits predicted tracking solution. Maintain this
negative g for approximately 2 seconds. During this negative-g extension, the bandit will be reducing
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