Air Combat Maneuvering
Flight Procedures
Generally, avoid maintaining your position in the same dimensional plane. Avoid meeting a section
member 180 degrees out, close-aboard, or losing sight, which becomes critical during bugout.
Above all, do not delay engaging the bandit.
Three major types of engagements exist in 2 v 1
ACM: the rear-quarter, the abeam, and the forward-
quarter attacks. Refer to Figure 36 for the parameters
of each type of attack. Rear quarter attacks will be
set up from three scenarios: no-switch, single-switch,
and multi-switch. Since the goal in an abeam attack
is for the section to turn it into a forward-quarter
attack, the forward-quarter attack will be set up from
the abeam position.
The procedures for the abeam attack and the rear-
quarter attacks explained below are the canned
setups as per Training Command procedures, unless
otherwise noted. The procedures for the forward-
quarter attack are discussed as a follow-on from an
abeam attack.
Call the Bandit Exercise (Enroute)
The call the bandit exercise is performed enroute
to the operating area, giving you practice with
directive/ descriptive commentary. During this
exercise the fighters remain in combat spread and
will not maneuver. While you are flying straight
and level, the bandit aircraft will maneuver simulating a no-switch engagement where he engages
one aircraft and stays with it. The first simulation will be followed by a single-switch simulation
where the bandit engages one aircraft and then switches to engage the other.
Enroute to the operating area, the fighters fly straight and level in combat spread at a briefed
altitude. The bandit will set up on the outside of the section approximately 1/2 nm, with 1,000-ft step-
up and 45 degrees down the wingline. Even though the following script is a fairly predictable
example, the goal of this exercise is to respond appropriately according to how the bandit is maneu-
vering against the section. Do not memorize the script as a gouge; rather use it to help you make
the right calls as you report what the bandit is doing. Attempt to use appropriate responses at all
times, e.g., Tally visual, Two in sight, One in sight, No joy, etc.
Script for a no-switch engagement: (This example assumes Mo is the tac-leadHe will call tally,
visual and knock it off prior to Duke for the set-up and knock-it-off.)
Initial setup
Bandit: Bandit setting up on Mo (call sign) on right for call the bandit, no switch, fighters
call when ready.
Mo: Mo tally, visual.
(10-98) Change 1
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