Operational Navigation
Routes In The Training Command
All pertinent regulations, i.e., FAR 91 and OPNAVINST 3710 apply to all routes flown within the
conterminous U.S. The only waiver applicable to flying a military training route within the U.S. is the
250 knots airspeed restriction below 10,000 feet MSL. This low-level waiver exists while operating
within the route's lateral and vertical limits.
Training Command Operational Navigation missions will not be flown unless weather is above
minima and forecast to remain so. Weather minima for IR and VR routes are 3,000 foot ceiling and
5 sm visibility on the low-level portion of the route. Two-plane road reconnaissance requires
8,000 feet and 5 sm visibility.
All T-45C ONav flights will be planned for 360 knots and 45 degrees AOB. Check your curriculum
outline and course rules for each individual flight.
The minimum altitude for CNATRA aircraft is 500 feet AGL. Never violate published route minimum
altitudes. For field departure and recovery, use altitudes published for the route, or choose the best
altitude for fuel efficiency.
Do not overfly airports or violate associated control zones. Avoid uncontrolled airstrips by
3 miles if you are below 1,500 feet AGL. (FLIP AP/1B)
Do not overfly any congested area, city, town, or settlement, or over an open-air assembly of
persons. You must remain 1,000 feet above or 2,000 feet horizontally from the highest
obstacle. (FAR 91)
Do not overfly noise sensitive-areas (e.g., breeding and poultry farms, resorts, beaches,
national parks). Avoid by 1 mile if you are lower than 3,000 AGL. If it is necessary to overfly
wild fowl habitations, maintain at least 3,000 feet AGL. (FAR Part 91)
Do not fly into restricted areas without clearance from the controlling agency. (FLIP AP/1B)
Do not make simulated attacks on installations important to national defense. You may not
simulate attacks on refineries, chemical plants and other potentially dangerous targets. On
single-plane ONav flights, attacks may be simulated by fleet experienced IPs. Roll-aheads are
forbidden. Depending on local SOP, an angle-off pop-up may be demonstrated at the
instructor's discretion.
(4-03) Original
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