14 October 2003
Physical and electronic security is the responsibility of the
user. Each custodian must ensure that the TMS equipment
physically located at their respective site is covered within
that units' ADP security plan.
806. Liaison. CNATRA (N317) is the point of contact for all TMS
administration issues.
807. Training Integration Management System (TIMS). The TIMS
system is a joint Navy and Air Force, comprehensive testing,
scheduling, and qualification program that is located at the
CNATRA Flight Training Support Center (FTSC) and Randolph AFB.
As TIMS becomes functional, it will replace all existing TMS
systems. TIMS will maintain a computer based question bank that
will randomly produce a test when requested. This test will
automatically include a weighted number of questions for each
learning objective. The test format will be established by the
applicable SM/CM. Point of contact for all TIMS questions is the
a. Liaison for all TIMS administration issues is the CNATRA
(N351), TIMS Operations Manager.